ABOUT ZIPNUT « zip-nut.com


Have you ever wished threaded connections were as easy as they are effective?

CD6U9069lyWorking with threads can be an engineer’s burden and a user’s nightmare. They are cumbersome, unreliable, and may lead to repetitive motion injury. Rain, sleet, rust and difficult environments, including outer space and subsea, make threaded conditions an even bigger hassle.

ZipNut technology is a revolutionary approach to threaded connections that allows you to simply slide the ZipNut down the threaded stud and with a quick turn, have a secure connection. No need to worry about cross-threading or damaged studs.

Should an area of the fastener get caught in rust, dirt, damaged metal or some other hindrance, the thread segments simply expand over the problem area, continue moving down the stud and engage only the good threads.

ZipNut technology can be adapted to male and female (i.e., nut or bolt) designs and can be incorporated into almost any threaded application.

ZipNuts are built with thread segments that are separate from one another. These segments are encased and located on a ramp that forces the segments into the threads of the partner connector. The tighter you pull, the harder it grips.

ZipNut technology – available in nuts, fasteners, couplings and bolts – is a literal lifesaver in hazardous operating environments that require quick and reliable execution. No aligning! No threading! Increased Safety!

Even more impressive are the significant timesaving and safety benefits ZipNut technology provides to production and testing operations. ZipNut technology is currently available in fire/rescue, aerospace, energy, nuclear, and tooling industries.

ZipNut is experienced with supplying parts and developing specially designed tools for a variety of applications. ZipNuts® are adaptable and can be integrated into an existing tool to improve operation speed. Please contact us for your special needs.